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Secure Connections with Free SSL Certificates
Encrypting web traffic to prevent data breaches and other cyber threats is a crucial step in building a secure network. ArvanCloud is one of the few CDN providers offering free SSL certificates to oppose these vulnerabilities. SSL (also known as TLS) is a standard security technology that creates a safe, encrypted link between the server and the browser, making sure that the transferred data remains private.

By activating ArvanCloud CDN, you can get a free SSL certificate and activate the HTTPS protocol on your website with a few, simple clicks.
hint By selecting your domain in the user panel, from the HTTPS Settings section, activate the free SSL certificate with one click.
Issue Free SSL

SSL Certificates Benefits

Today, most websites prefer using SSL certificates and HTTPS protocol to increase their security while maintaining their efficiency. Since most search engines encourage using the HTTPS protocol, activating the SSL certificate boosts your website’s SEO and ranking. SSL certificates also develop your user's trust by securing the connection and users’ data.
Improve Performance
Improve Performance
Improving Website Load Time for Users
Boost SEO
Boost SEO
Increasing Website Ranking in Search Engines
Provide Security
Provide Security
Traffic Encryption and Non-disclosure of Data

ArvanCloud and Free SSL Certificate

In collaboration with “Let's Encrypt”, ArvanCloud has provided the opportunity to benefit from a three-month free SSL certificate with one click. Therefore, ArvanCloud users will receive a free-of-charge certificate which will automatically renew after its expiration. The biggest advantage of ArvanCloud free SSL is being offered in a wildcard format.

Using Wildcard SSL, an unlimited number of subdomains can be secured with just one certificate. Unlike regular certificates that can only be used for a specific domain such as, Wildcard SSL certificates can be activated for * and cover all its subdomains such as,, and
Compatible with Major Browsers
Subdomains Secured

Free SSL for SaaS Providers

SaaS providers face many challenges to issue and manage the renewal cycle of their users' SSL certificates, the most common of which is using customer vanity domain in the HTTPS protocol. In the usual way, users of these services cannot use an SSL certificate for their own domain and must choose between using their own branded domain and the provider's encrypted domain. The choice of the SaaS provider's domain can cause serious damage to your marketing and branding degradation.
Understanding this challenge, ArvanCloud has provided the ability to automatically issue and renew SSL certificates for domains that use SaaS services. SaaS providers can get a free and easy SSL certificate for their users with one click and don't have to worry about renewing it.

Advanced HTTPS features

ArvanCloud CDN offers advanced HTTPS features for free.
Custom Certificate
Supporting TLS 1.3
Enabling HSTS
HTTPS Rewrite
TLS Connection Settings
Uploading Custom Certificate
By activating ArvanCloud HTTPS protocol, a free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate is automatically issued to all domains and subdomains that use CDN. Additionally, ArvanCloud users have the option to upload their own custom pre-purchased and issued certificates to provide to end users. This feature helps you use OV and EV certificates.
Setting Minimum TLS Version
Due to possible vulnerabilities in TLS versions lower than 1.2, it is recommended that websites support minimum TLS version 1.3. Compared to previous versions, TLS 1.3 provides a stronger set of ciphers in addition to increasing the speed of establishing a secure connection. By providing the ability to set the minimum version of TLS and supporting TLS 1.3, ArvanCloud makes access via HTTPS impossible for users who use a lower TLS version.
Enabling HSTS Protocol
Supporting the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) protocol is one of the easiest ways to secure your website, API, or applications. HSTS is a feature of the HTTP protocol that forces browsers to use secure connections for every request they send to your backend servers. With the help of ArvanCloud's advanced HTTPS settings, you can activate the HSTS protocol on your domain with just one click.
Rewriting Files Based on HTTPS
This feature, by rewriting insecure URLs from known hosts to their secure counterparts, in addition to fixing problems and errors of Mixed Content, also increases the efficiency and security of the website. Moreover, the feature of rewriting files based on HTTPS, by creating a secure connection for users, allows you to use the latest security standards and web optimization that are only available through this protocol.
Flexible TLS Connection Settings
ArvanCloud SSL operates in different modes, depending on the level of security you need and your configuration. With SSL enabled, traffic is sent to the end user in encrypted form and your website will always have the benefits of HTTPS, but you can configure the traffic from ArvanCloud to the main server in different ways. According to your choice, this connection can be in the form of HTTP, HTTPS, or automatic.
Improve your website's security and efficiency using ArvanCloud's SSL certificate.
Issue SSL
Get a free SSL certificate with just one click.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find the answers to your questions in this section.
Does ArvanCloud offer SSL certificates to purchase?
Does ArvanCloud offer SSL certificates to purchase?

ArvanCloud SSL certificate is completely free. You can get free SSL for your website at no cost.

What platforms and websites is ArvanCloud free certificate compatible with?
What platforms and websites is ArvanCloud free certificate compatible with?

This certificate is used to secure the user's connection with ArvanCloud CDN pop sites and is compatible with all platforms and websites

What are the benefits of ArvanCloud SSL certificate?
What are the benefits of ArvanCloud SSL certificate?

You can get an SSL certificate for your domain and all subdomains with one click and use all the features of the HTTPS protocol such as HSTS and more. Using this option, you will not get involved in SSL issuance and activation procedures, and your website will be displayed securely on all users' devices and browsers.

How long does ArvanCloud SSL certificate remain active?
How long does ArvanCloud SSL certificate remain active?

ArvanCloud SSL certificate will be initially activated for 90 days and will be renewed automatically every three months.

What are the prerequisites for ArvanCloud SSL certificate issuance?
What are the prerequisites for ArvanCloud SSL certificate issuance?

To activate the SSL certificate, just register your domain in the user panel and add all your DNS records. After activating the CDN service on your domain and subdomains, you can activate the SSL certificate and HTTPS protocol.