Cloud Container for Application Setup

ArvanCloud gives you the most effective Container Service to develop your software ideas and turn them into leading products without any trouble of configuration or preparation.
blur Cloud Container for Application Setup
Automatic Deployment
Automatic Deployment
Using CI/CD methods and automation tools, the Cloud Container helps develop your application with no concerns.
Great Flexibility
Great Flexibility
ArvanCloud Container Service helps you build your software with the language, framework, or library of your choice.
Optimal Use of Resources
Optimal Use of Resources
With automatic scalability and load balancing, you can manage necessary resources in your cloud container.
No Cluster Management
No Cluster Management
Just focus on your software development and leave the rest to us. We will handle the servers, hardware, and infrastructure.
Use Cases
A Cloud Container for Developers
ArvanCloud Cloud Container has proved to be a functional product for developers. You can host your application on GitLab, GitHub, or any Source Control Management service and link it to our cloud platform. In this method, a new version will be built and run every time there’s a change in git-repo. ArvanCloud platform fully supports S2I service and by converting your application codes into images, you can deploy it on this platform and use the features.
Modify Codes
First, you need to add the necessary Buildpack names to the code for linking it to the Cloud Container.
Deploy on Git
Now, upload your application code on GitLab, GitHub, or a Source Control Management service.
Define and Set Resources
You need to define the resources and variables required while building and running the application.
Deploy Application
ArvanCloud connects the code on Git to the Cloud Container so that you can execute it easily.
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A Cloud Container for Docker Users
If you have an application on an image registry like Docker Hub or you’re looking for the most-liked and used open-source tools such as WordPress, you can deploy the application on ArvanCloud Container Service utilizing the method of Docker Image. In this method, you’re free to deploy any application with any language or framework.
Select Docker Image
Choose your desired Docker Image from Docker Hub, a registry of your choice, or from catalogs.
Define and Set Resources
After you select Docker Image, decide on application resources and related settings.
Deploy Application
The next step is to deploy your application on the platform of ArvanCloud Cloud Container.
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A Cloud Container for Kubernetes Users
If you have used Kubernetes to build, deploy and maintain your software and have coded the manifests for your applications, you can directly deploy them on this Cloud Container with the help of user panel or our CLI tool. The ArvanCloud platform simplifies the process of product deployment by providing infrastructure solutions based on Kubernetes.
Create Manifests
After you create the manifest for your application, specify the required resources and settings for it.
Deploy Manifests
Once you deploy your manifest in the user panel or CLI, your application will be ready to run.
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Cloud Container Pricing
ArvanCloud’s affordable Cloud Container helps you manage resources and save money. You can calculate your costs based on selected processor resources, RAM, and storage.
An Organized Infrastructure for Developing Ideas
We provide a platform for students and interns with a well-managed environment and a range of tools and services. You can test and implement your ideas without any technical knowledge. This platform (PaaS) helps you keep your research and development costs as low as possible.
Container and Kubernetes
Learning without the need to install the software
Experimenting New Ideas
A low-cost platform for exploring brand new ideas
Deploying Online Code Editors
This feature can be easily applied in all devices
Testing and Implementing
A chance to work with a small database or container
ArvanCloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) is an all-inclusive product for startups. You can use any resources to implement ideas without spending much on hiring experts. The flexibility of this container helps you develop your application, catch up with the pace of the market and even get ahead of competitors.
Cutting Costs and Expenses
Reducing costs of infrastructure or hiring experts
Product Development Features
Using automatic scaling and load balancing
Flexible Deployment
Easy Deployment with no required knowledge
Accessing Popular Tools
Launching the most useful tools using catalogs
ArvanCloud provides various practical features of Cloud Container for experts and developers of large businesses so they can create scalable and stable applications to meet the needs of millions of users. This can happen by using any programming language or tools of their own choice.
Automatic Scalability
Increasing resources easily with no Downtime
Ideal for Developers
Using API and CLI tools in all operating systems
Load Balancing Feature
Distributing requests among several containers
Organizational Productivity
Minimizing the length of product development
Useful Links
Everything about Cloud Containers
Get ahead of Market Demand
Try ArvanCloud Container Service and get a secure and scalable platform for your software ideas. Whether you are looking to build a simple application or complex software, you will be only a few clicks away from coming up with an idea and deploying it.