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How Financial Services Solution Helps
With so many technologies being developed, financial service businesses are now moving towards cloud architectures to provide better services. In fact, customers’ needs and business rules are changing every day and the importance of cyber security is increasing. At the moment, leading financial software are applying cloud technologies to get ahead of their competitors, fit new business models and regulations, secure their data and improve customer experience.
Usually, customers expect fast and high accessibility from their online platforms even during the peak traffic flow. We know that the quality of user experience can simply affect customer loyalty too. Some operations like online transactions, online payments and share market deals all involve a huge number of requests and need to be responded to immediately. Even the slightest delay or network failure can result in irreparable disasters for online businesses. That’s why sensitive transactions of online payment and trading largely depend on network security and high-quality data transfer.

ArvanCloud’s Financial Services Solution Features

Our financial service strategy has been designed to provide financial organizations’ needs so they can implement their crucial systems and software in a secure cloud infrastructure and have fast and efficient transactions. By putting forward the new generation of cloud services, ArvanCloud gives you the chance to transfer your sensitive bulk data to a cloud architecture without any concerns and end up with a better user experience.
What we provide in our plan is high accessibility through a cloud server, high-frequency CPUs, fast local storage and High Available architectures. Also, with features such as Smart Routing, Load Balancing, and CDN Active Health Check, this solution helps financial organizations walk through the stages of digital transformation in a safe, quick and scalable way.
24/7 Protection against Cyber-attacks
24/7 Protection against Cyber-attacks
Higher Speed and Platform Accessibility
Higher Speed and Platform Accessibility
Infrastructure Scalability and Flexibility
Infrastructure Scalability and Flexibility
High Server Uptime with HA Architecture
High Server Uptime with HA Architecture
The Best Way to Get Your Financial Services Secured
The comprehensive solution of ArvanCloud applies a combination of security, CDN acceleration and server accessibility features and is designed to protect and speed up data transfer. We take into account your sensitive transactions and protection against layers 3/4/7 attacks. So as a financial service provider, you will be free of potential security threats and vulnerabilities and you can provide the best experience for your users.
Cloud Server
Firewall & WAF
DDoS Protection
Smart Routing
Load Balancing
Cloud Server
We provide cloud servers with reliable and stable infrastructures. By applying High Available architecture on ArvanCloud platforms, you can achieve better service performance and uptime. Also, with the continuous backup feature of your servers, you can reduce the risk of data loss down to 0%. These servers are specifically scalable, which means you can increase your hardware resources instantly and improve your users’ experience.
With more than 40 PoP sites around the world, our Content Delivery Network will help your business with higher speed and quality of data transfer so your users can access your content from the nearest location. The integrated architecture of ArvanCloud guarantees the efficiency, stability and accessibility of your financial services. Also, you can provide services for millions of users all at the same time and without any traffic limitations.
Firewall & WAF
ArvanCloud is mostly focused on providing the highest security level. Without any specific hardware resources, our firewall and WAF (Web Application Firewall) gives you the necessary tool to manage your users’ access and requests based on IPs and geolocations, and your data will be secured by blocking Bots and suspicious traffic flow. What WAF does is to identify and prevent all kinds of attacks. It can simply neutralize the most advanced attacks without any necessary technical knowledge or complicated settings.
DDoS Protection
DDoS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service) are usually meant to disrupt the performance of a service by sending a huge load of requests- so many that the server is unable to handle. It is one of the most common threats to financial service providers. ArvanCloud security strategy is designed in a way that it can automatically prevent such attempts and guard your content and data against hacker or DDoS attacks.
Smart Routing
Two of the requirements of financial services are fast data loading and the quality of access. We offer the Smart Routing feature by which your users can access their requested data as fast as possible even during the peak of traffic flow. What Smart Routing does is that it automatically identifies the best route for data distribution from the PoP site to the user and that route will be the fastest of all.
Load Balancing
With CDN Load balancing settings you can distribute the traffic among your server clusters equally. This way, the access requests can be responded to by multiple servers, and this will create more redundancy and reliability. Also, the new generation of ArvanCloud Load Balancing is incredibly enhanced in features like geographical traffic routing and Active Health Check. These features will help direct the requests toward active clusters and will result in a better user experience.
Keep Your Data Safe in a Secure and Unlimited Platform
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