• 19 September 2024

BucketAnywhere is an Android application you can use to connect to S3-compatible Object Storage, such as ArvanCloud Object Storage. In addition to allowing you to manage multiple buckets or S3 buckets on your phone, you can use this tool to download and upload files and synchronize the bucket. Another feature of this software is the possibility to resume downloading files.

Throughout this guide, we will talk about how to install and launch the BucketAnywhere application.


  • Download and install BucketAnywhere.
  • Create a user account in ArvanCloud
  • Create a bucket in ArvanCloud Object Storage
  • Get the access and secret key from the Object Storage dashboard

Configuring BucketAnywhere

Once you have installed and launched the software, click “Add” to configure the ArvanCloud bucket to connect to BucketAnywhere.

On the opened page and the GENERAL tab, type the authentication values as shown in the image.

  • S3 URL: https://s3.ir-thr-at1.arvanstorage.ir
  • KeyID: Access key SecretKey: Secret key
  • Bucket: The name of the bucket you wish to connect to the application.
  • Local Dir: The local directory of your cell phone where you want to connect the bucket.

Select Expert / Specific S3 Settings on the ADVANCED tab under More Settings.

Choose the Signature Version 4 option and enable it.

Get back to the GENERAL tab and tap the Save button to apply the settings.

You will now see your cloud bucket on the application’s main screen. To connect to the Bucket, tap Connect.

You can view and manage the files in the Bucket on your Android device.