• 27 July 2024

Users may encounter three types of problems while using ArvanCloud Cloud Servers:

ArvanCloud’s Network Problems

  • No internet access
  • Inaccessibility of instance’s specific IP or range
  • Unavailability of an instance abroad, or with a specific internet
  • Bandwidth

Instance’s Resources Problems

  • CPU Steal
  • No increase in resources after resizing
  • Disk Delay

Infrastructural Problems

  • Error while increasing/reducing the instances resources

Once reporting a problem and sending a ticket, consider that ArvanCloud technical team does not have OS-level access (user service). They can only fix users’ problems on the substructural/simulation level. Therefore, it is needed to send some documents along with the problem ticket, which will accelerate the troubleshooting process.

This means providing the errors and evidence a user encounters that ensures the problem is substructural and not related to the operating system.

Sending Instance’s Resources Reports

Use operating system tools to send instance’s resource problems to the support team. For instance, in a Linux operating system, the outputs of lsblk, df, free, htop, top and vmstat demands, or an image of a monitoring graph can be sent. For other operating systems, the user troubleshooting image will help the support team fix the problem ASAP.

Sending ArvanCloud’s Network Reports

In the case of a network problem, sending the following items based on the situation will accelerate the fixing process:

  • Round-trip ICMP and TCP traces. Starting from the origin to destination, and reverse will be helpful if both parts have internet IPs.
  • Instance’s operating system firewall status (Virtual Machine), and a group of firewalls connected to the instance.
  • Port Security status on a private network if ArvanCloud’s private network is the problem.
  • Instance’s bandwidth status using Axel, Iperf, Speedtest-cli and IDM tools with several internal/external destinations.

Sending Infrastructural Bugs Reports

There is no need to send any specific report or explanation. To solve this problem, send the process that caused this bug with a ticket to the ArvanCloud support team and wait for the call.