• 27 July 2024

Backing up data is one of the primary duties of website administrators. Backing up and keeping copies regularly in a safe storage can eliminate the risks of losing website data. Using ArvanCloud Object Storage, you can make a backup copy of the information on the website with high security, suitable speed, and many facilities and quickly restore the desired version when needed.

If you use a WordPress content management system on your website, you need a software or an interface plugin to back up and store it on ArvanCloud Object Storage. Two plugins, UpdraftPlus and Duplicator, are among the most popular tools that you can use to easily back up your WordPress website automatically and save and maintain it on the cloud using features such as backup scheduling.

This guide will discuss how to work with the UpdraftPlus tool.

Installing and Setting up UpdraftPlus

To install UpdraftPlus, just go to the plugins section in WordPress and activate it after searching for the name of this plugin. In further steps, this plugin and its settings will always be available through the WordPress settings section.

To make initial settings, after entering the UpdraftPlus settings section in WordPress, select the Settings tab and enter the desired period for backup files and databases in the Files Backup Schedule and Database Backup Schedule sections, respectively. Also, in the continuation of each of these two options, you can determine the number of backup copies kept.

Next, select the S3-Compatible (Generic) option in the “Choose your remote storage” section.

Next, in the lower sections of the page, enter your Secret Key, Access Key, and Endpoint, which you received from the ArvanCloud user panel, Object Storage section.

After entering the information in complete form, you can check the correctness of your settings by selecting the Test S3 Settings option.

After saving the settings, backup copies will be automatically prepared and stored in the specified bucket in ArvanCloud Object Storage. To restore backups, just go to the Backup/Restore section of this plugin and restore the desired version.

For more information about this plugin and to get it directly, you can visit the UpdraftPlus website.